Non Surgical Treatment of Rectal Prolapse
Ayurveda (Sanskrit Āyurveda आयुर्वेद, “life-knowledge”) or Ayurvedic treatment in India is an ancient Hindu medicine system derived from upaveda or commonly known as auxiliary knowledge in Vedic tradition. Medical practices adopted from this ayurvedic treatment offer alternative medicine to patients who want rectal prolapse treatment without surgery or other forms of treatment. Non surgical treatment has been more popular as the side effects of medicines are negligible and often patients are cured without undergoing the pain and trauma of operations. Non surgical treatment of rectal prolapse is the best treatment of prolapse rectum that inhibits no signs of post-treatment issues.
Ayurvedic treatment follows eight methods to cure different diseases. They are: Nadi (pulse), Mootra (urine), Mala (stool), Jihva (tongue), Shabda (speech), Sparsha (touch), Druk (vision), and Aakruti (appearance). Normally, practitioners following this medical stream offers cure by making use of the five senses.
Non-Surgical Treatment is always better in respect of Surgical or Para surgical Procedures because:
1) Non-Surgical treatment lessen the chances of Reoccurrence
2)Our Herbal treatment Tone up the levator muscles (both sides)
3) There are no chances of Incontinence problem
4) Our Ayurvedic treatment Strengthen the Rectal walls reducing its bulk, bulging and Looseness
5) Our Non-Surgical Treatment Restore the problem of extensive dissection of the Pelvic region like
A) Defecatory function problems
B) Sexual problems
C) Urological problems as Urine incontinence (more urgency and frequency of urination)
So our Herbal plan for treatment of rectum prolapsed is quite safe, cost effective and improves the immune system also
What is Prolapse Rectum?
Prolapse Rectum is a disease in which Rectum comes out partially or totally during defecation, at times it goes back automatically whereas sometimes the patient is required to do it manually. This disease can occur in males, females & children. While this may be painful, it can also be moderately humiliating and often has a momentous negative impact on patients’ quality of life.
Types of Rectal Prolapse
There are three types of rectal prolapse.
1. Full-thickness rectal prolapse is when part of the wall of your rectum pokes out via your anus. This is the most common kind of rectal prolapse.
2. Mucosal prolapse is when only the lining (mucosa) of your rectum protrudes out via your anus.
3. Internal rectal prolapse is when your rectum bends in on itself but doesn’t thrust out through your anus. This is also recognized as an internal intussusception. The different types of Rectal Prolapse can all be taken care of with employing non surgical treatment of prolapse rectum.
Causes of Prolapsed Rectum
a. Excessive straining
b. Chronic Constipation
c. Chronic Diarrhea
d. Weakness of Rectum Supporting Muscles & Ligaments
e. Some other unknown causative factors
It is a myth that surgery is the only end solution for most ailments. In this case, Procidentia treatment without surgery is very well possible and adopted by most patients

Symptoms of Rectal Prolapse
If you have a prolapsed rectum, you are likely to observe a protuberance or swelling coming out of your anus. Initially, you might only observe this when you have a bowel movement. However, if your prolapse gets worse, this may also occur when you cough, sneeze or stand up. You might also:
a. Find it problematic to control your bowel movements
b. See some bright red blood coming out of your rectum
c. Have some uneasiness
d. Develop an ulcer on the portion of your rectum that protrudes out
You may be able to thrust any lump or swelling back in by using your fingers. But this may become more challenging and the swelling may stick out again as soon as you shove it back in. Ultimately, you may not be able to push it back in whatsoever. With advancements in medicine and Ayurveda, it is now possible to get a non surgical treatment of rectal prolapse.
Diagnosis of Rectal Prolapse
The disease can be diagnosed by a doctor by a simple examination. In conditions when the patient’s rectum turns back inside the body itself after going through a bowel motion, he might have to demonstrate the same process during the examination so that the physician can decide the diagnosis.
Rarely, a rectal prolapse could be internal or hidden, that makes this medical analysis all the more complicated. In this case, a video defecogram, a kind of an x-ray examination, might be considered. During this test, the x-ray machine takes the pictures of a patient when he is having a bowel movement, which in turn would help the doctor to decide the exact course of action for the respective patient. Another method to diagnose the disease is anorectic manometry that helps to evaluate the functioning of the rectum muscles as they play major role in the bowel movement. Post the examination you will be offered medication or asked to undergo surgery. At present, times non-surgical treatment of Prolapse Rectum is available and possible with the help of ayurvedic medicines.
Differential Diagnosis of Prolapsed Internal Hemorrhoids from Rectal Prolapse
Since Prolapsed internal Hemorrhoids are separated by Sulci radiating peripherally from the center of the anal outlet.
Partial Rectal Prolapse – Involving only the mucosal layer of the Rectal –Wall
Complete Rectal Prolapse – Involving all layers of the Rectal –Wall (No inflammation) Complete Rectal Prolapsed is characterized by concentrically arranged mucosal folds which are strikingly different from the radiating sulci which separate prolapsed internal Hemorrhoids.
Treating rectal prolapse without surgery is available with the help of tried and tested ayurvedic medicines.
Problems Because of Undergoing Surgery for Rectal Prolapse
Possible issues that a patient can face when he opts for the surgical rectal prolapse treatment comprise of :-
1. Allergic effect to the anesthetics used during the surgery.
2. Different kinds of infections.
3. Hemorrhage.
4. Damage caused to surrounded blood vessels or nerves.
5. Injury to other pelvic organs, like rectum or bladder.
6. Necrosis or commonly known as death of the rectal wall.
7. Reappearance of the rectal prolapse.
Hence, opting for Rectal Prolapse treatment without surgery is advised for the suffering patients.
Treatment and Prevention of Prolapse Rectum
Two out of the traditional eight branches of ayurvedic medicines take care of surgery which is generally called Śalya-cikitsā and Śālākya-tantra, but present day Ayurvedic treatment is inclined towards attaining good health with the help of developing a strong and healthy metabolic body and sustaining well with a good digestive and excretory system. This form of medical science also focuses on meditation, yoga and exercise. basically follows the age-long theory of Dinacharya that states imbibing natural cycles i.e. waking, sleeping, working, meditation etc are important parameters for a healthy life. Basic hygiene comprising of clean body and skin also forms an essential part. A healthy body resides a healthy mind.
Non Surgical Treatment of Prolapse Rectum
Different parts plants such as roots, leaves, fruits, bark, or seeds are used for the treatment of different diseases. Since early centuries, lot of plant-derivative medicines have been used on the basis of their toxicology, microscopic structure, chemical compositions, healing values, etc. Our specialty is providing treatment of rectal prolapse without surgery by herbal medicine formula orally and Bastikaram in which a liquid medicine is given to administer per rectum with the help of Bulb Syringe Applicator. The Centre provides unique rectal prolapse treatment without surgery that works on the Principle of Ayurveda without any side effects.
Herbal Medicine has the property of GRAHI (a term of Ayurveda which means to retain the organ at its own place giving strength to support muscles & Ligaments of Rectum) & controlling SAMAN & APAN VAYU, the forces control digestion & act of defecation (Stretching & Contraction).
Benefits of Rectal Prolapse Treatment without Surgery:-
1. Primarily, there is no surgery required to treat the disease.
2. No side-effects of the medicine.
3. The lowest risk rate and effective primitive health care option.
4. Identifies and removes the basic causes of the diseases rather than superficial treatment or suppressing the symptoms.
5. Motivate and educate patients for adopting healthy lifestyles.
6. Diagnoses based on specific health factors and effects.
7. Focusing on the health conditions to encourage the well-being of the society and to avert the diseases for the individual, communities and the world at large.
8. Single dose per day orally.
9. No chance of reoccurrence in future.

10. Benefitted for the patients who have gone under surgery and facing some health complications.
11. Herbal Medicine is also beneficial for Rectocele and cystocele.
12. Ayurvedic Medicine for non surgical treatment is beneficial for good health of Pelvic floor muscles.
13. Non Surgical treatment is also beneficial for erectile Dysfunction which has to face after surgery of rectum prolapse.
14. Herbal Medicine is prepared according to patient diagnosis and his problems. Herbal Medicine is always prepared freshly. We do not commercialise it.
The benefits of our ayurvedic medicine is that patient has to take only single dose per day orally and the method of preparation is according to Age old traditional way as described in Ancient Ayurvedic literature. In preparation of herbal medicine, we do not use any mechanical or chemical process.
We adopt purely Ayurvedic procedures to prepare herbal medicine as Shodhan, Bhavana for removal of impurities and toxins to improve the potency of herbal medicine. We do not use any artificial preservative.
After surgery, not only reoccurrence of the problem is there but patient has to face some complications also. Our herbal Medicine is useful to overcome these problems.
Procidentia treatment without surgery is a great idea and ensures that no side effects are administered post the procedure or due course of treatment.
Who can suffer from Rectal Prolapse?
Rectal prolapse is more common in adults and females post childbirth. It is quite uncommon to see a small kid with a prolapse unless it is triggered by a congenital malformation of the pelvic floor—the smooth tissues and muscles that support the rectum. As you mature in age, these muscles lose tone and may lead to a small prolapse. Likewise, after females give birth to kids, the muscles can relax and stretch, also setting the stage for a prolapse. Constipation and the resulting straining in movement of bowels is a common reason of rectal prolapse.
These are the two chiefcategories of complications:
1. A rectal prolapse that can’t be pressed back into the rectum. This can cause the blood supply to the prolapse to be amputated. This complication is named strangulation. It is excruciating and needs emergency treatment.
2. A rectal prolapse that ensues again. This can occur up to 40% of the time. Following your doctor’s guidance on lifestyle changes can help avert recurrence. This contains eating a high-fiber diet and drinking adequate water.
Managing Rectal Prolapse
If you are recovering from rectal prolapse, you must make it certain to follow these tips for managing rectal prolapse before or after retrieval:
1. Avoid any activities that can upsurge the pressure in your rectal region, like straining to have a bowel movement or weight lifting for at least 6 months.
2. Have any persistent cough treated by your doctor. Your healthcare provider might also urge you to quit smoking.
3. Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and veggies each day. A high-fiber diet will help avert constipation and straining.
4. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water each day.
5. If you are constipated, ask your doctor if you should take a stool softener or a bulk laxative.
6. Stay active and do regular workout. If you are overweight, try to regain a healthy weight.
Non Surgical Treatment of Rectal Prolapse we Offer
At Daya Ayush Therapy Centre, we offer highly effective, efficient, and a fail-safe Ayurvedic prolapse treatment medication. The ingredients that are used in this herbal medicine are all grown in-house on personally owned lands of Himalayas. We have no other branches which is why, our Prolapse treatment without surgery is a unique one with exclusive procedure being involved. Our herbal medicines are safe to use and do not carry any risks or chances of side effects. At our center, the patients can get relief from our unique herbal prolapse rectum treatment that is based on the principles of Ayurveda. This non-surgical treatment of prolapse rectum can be a boon for many people.
Role of Our Medicine for Post Surgical Care
Our herbal treatment is suitable even post-surgery, this is because the herbs work in a natural way and maintain the normal physiology of pelvic organ. It helps in not only maintaining a good health of pelvic region but also prevents its reoccurrence.
Our Ayurvedic Medicine strengthens and tones up the pelvic floor muscles, tissues, levator muscles (both sides) and the rectal – wall, reducing its congestion, bulk, bulging and relaxation.
Restore the Problem of Extensive Dissection of the Pelvic Region Like:
1. Defecatory function problems
2. Sexual problems
3. Urological problems
4. Incontinence
Our Ayurvedic Medicine is quite safe and helps with improving the immune system as well. The non-surgical treatment for prolapse rectum is a highly applied and utilized by the patients suffering from related disease. Our methods of treatment and medicines boasts not only of high quality treatment but also ensures no side effects affect post the treatment.
Herbs That Can Help Prolapse Rectum
At Daya Ayush Therapy Centrе, we embrace thе aneient wisdom of Ayurveda to offer a non surgical treatment for prolapse rectum. Our holistic approach combines traditional Ayurvedic herbs and therapies, providing a natural solution to this condition. Here’s how our treatments can benefit you:
1. Herbal Formulations: Our expert practitioners utilizе specific Ayurvedic herbs known for their ability to strengthen the rectal tissues and promote healing.
2. Tridoshas Balancе: Ayurvеdic herbs help to regulatе Tridoshas imbalances contributing to prolapse rectum issues.
3. Muscle Tone Enhancement: Ayurvedic remedies focus on enhancing pelvic floor muscle tone, promoting better support and stability to prevent rectal prolapse.
4. Grahi properties – Herbal medicine has the property of Grahi which helps to replace the displaced activity of the organ.
At Daya Ayush Therapy Centre, we strivе to empower individuals on their journey to rectal health through time-tested Ayurvedic interventions, fostering a harmonious balance between the mind, body, and spirit.
FAQ Non Surgical Treatment
Ans: Yes definitely we can fix Prolapsed Rectum without Surgery . Ayurveda has the complete answer for treating Prolapsed Rectum with the help of Specialized herbs toning up the Pelvic Floor Muscles and Ligaments .
Ans: Kegel Exercises can help to some extent but can not cure the problem .
Ans: Our Herbal Treatment for Prolapsed Rectum has no any Side Effects even on prolonged use .Herbs are tested for Heavy Metals, Pesticides and Microbial Contaminants etc. On the Other hand it keeps the three doshas (VATTA ,PITTA and KAPHA) in balance and ensures the good health during the treatment period.
So we can use it without any hesitation.
Ans: Normally the treatment period is 3 to 4 months in complete cure but we have to consider so many other factors as Age, Type of Prolapsed , Duration of the problem and other bowel and bladder abnormalities.
So in some cases it may take more time but definitely we can say that within one or two months patients begin to feel positive changes.
Ans:Yes , You can take your essential medicines along with our herbal Treatment. We guide such patients accordingly.